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You know, what goes into making our favorite foods. ITS SO COOL RIGHT One of the processes that makes a huge number of very tasty foods available to us is called fermentation. Fermentation sounds intense and all clever, right- but does it sound mysterious? Fermentation — the process by which tiny living creatures called microorganismssuch as bacteria and yeast, convert sugars into other stuff This amazing process takes place to give us delicious and nutritious foods such as bread, cheese, yoghurt broth etc., beer actually even wine!
A fermenter, which is a type of equipment that allows you to explore fermentation on your own Fermenting Container: Fermentation vessel that holds the food/drink you wish to ferment; There are several different types of fermenters, but for the most part they all function in quite similar ways. So getting the right fermenter can be a good step in your fermentation experience enjoyable and successful!
Fermentation is what takes many of our most delicious and nurtitious foods from good to great. They consume sugars in the food or drink, while processing their meal from one state to another. As they go about doing this, it will create organic acids, alcohol and gases. And it is for good reason since these things not only flavour the food or drink in a unique and delicious way, but also bring about health benefits. This is of course, where fermented foods come into play — packed with probiotics (good bacteria and yeast that help keep your gut happy healthy).
Some examples include traditional fermenters such as ceramic crocks, which have been around for centuries. They are robust and promote a healthy fermentation environment, all good stuff! The only downside of them is that they can be heavy and easily break if you are being a little rough. On the other hand, used glass jars are both light and easy to clean making using them very easy. Keep in mind, they are breakable when dropped so use them with enough care! Last but not least, using plastic containers may be cheap and lightweight but they are less durable / the worst environment for fermentation as compared to what other materials offer.
Ultimately, the best fermenter is going to depend on your personal preferences and what you are trying to make from food or beverages. Here at Baishengcn we have many varieties of fermenters that can be used for a variety of fermentation projects. It means manufacturing food-safe fermenters from the best materials we could find and designing them to be as easy for you to use, too.
The whole purpose when manufacturing beer or wine, is to convert the sugars in grains or grapes into alcohol by fermentation. Depending on the recipe you choose and which type of fermenter that we use, this entire process can take anywhere between a few weeks to even months. However, fermenting is awesome and it will be neat to check in every week or so to see how things are coming along and turn them into something tasty after all of that previous effort.
Baishangcn has a variety thanfermentors, which are specially used for home brewing system. Our fermenters come in all shapes and sizes, so you can choose which ones suit your needs depending on how many batch sizeyou create. We also have accessories like airlocks and temperature controllers to help you dial in your brew. Seasoned brewer or in the beginning...our fermenters allow you to produce a delicious tasting homebrew.